We had a great discussion at our "Wimpy/Wumpy" meeting last Thursday. We were
50-50 on the picture book...half liked it, the other half - not so much. But
when we started talking about the fact that it was published in 1970, many of
the 'non-likers' changed their opinion a bit, since it was unique for its time
and, in fact, portended things to come....probably very 'dystopian' before that
word was even part of our vocabulary.
As for the novel, there were also mixed feelings (which is what
makes our group so much fun!). Some thought it was terrific for getting kids -
especially young middle school boys - into reading 'real' books. Others thought
it was basically worthless, and that kids should be reading more 'excellent'
literature, with characters you care about, significant stories, etc. Our
discussion ultimately led into the books we all loved as kids, and their merits
(or demerits -- as the case may be!) It was a great group meeting, as